You probably daydream about him all the time.
You wonder what color his hair will be. What color his eyes will be. Will he be tall or short? Will he be funny and kind? Or noble and brave?
If you're anything like me, then I'm sure you wonder what his name will be most of all. And, more importantly, what your last name will one day be.
Believe it or not, I already knew the name of my husband by the time I started daydreaming about marriage. I just didn't know he would be the man who would one day stand at an altar and wait for me, his bride, to walk towards him in her puffy white dress surrounded by family in an Italian-themed chapel near the Vegas strip.
But there he was. And I, escorted by the first man who ever loved me, walked toward him with so much happiness and excitement. That day is--and probably will always be--my favorite day.
Because he was worth the wait. Mr. Right was worth the every second I longed for him.
I know what it's like to wait and pray for your future husband. At times, it's a piece of cake and patience comes easily. Other times, I went kind of crazy and was determined to find this poor guy because he was taking forever. My searches never ended well for me.
It was during those crazy times that I started writing letters to my future husband. Every time I had a free moment, I'd write down a thought or two just to let him know I was anxiously anticipating the moment he would slip a ring on my left hand and ask me to be his forever.
After we got married, I presented these letters to my husband and warned him that I hadn't read any since taping them up and slipping them inside an old shoe box. But he sat there on the floor, surrounded by a pile of letters, and read every single one of them smiling the whole time. And it melted my heart.
Right now, you're on the other side of marriage. You're waiting for the right person to come along. And they will in due time. Can I just take this moment to reassure you that they will be worth the wait? Don't settle for Mr. Right Now. Don't settle for less than God's best.
The single most important decision you will make in your life will not be where you live or what career path you choose; it will be the man you marry. You don't want to marry someone who isn't going to be the best husband for you. Patience isn't always easy; but in the end, it will be worth every hour you spent waiting.
So, what do you do in the meantime while you're waiting for Mr. Right?
Enjoy the solitude!
Don't take this the wrong way; I love being married. But you can't be selfish in a marriage. You can't put your wants and needs above someone else's if you want your marriage to have any chance of lasting.
So, be selfish now. Take the time you're waiting and do things for yourself. Go on lots of adventures and read classic literature. Volunteer. Write. Explore. Learn how to play the guitar. When you get married, you'll still be able to do all of those things--but your time will be limited. Appreciate your singleness. It won't be that way--thankfully!--forever.
When your solitude does come to an end, you'll be grateful for the time you had to work on yourself--to be alone. As you grow into your marriage, you tend to lose a part of your identity. There's nothing wrong with that; you and your husband are supposed to become "one flesh". But you'll be grateful for the free time you had to find yourself, to go on your own adventures, and to ready yourself for marriage.
Enjoy this season! It will pass quickly and, before you know it, you'll be riding off into the sunset with your Prince Charming.
Your Wife-Friend in Christ,
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